Purchasing a foreclosure, is complicated & requires expertise or at least some
assistance & representation by a Broker that is familiar with the pit falls & obligations
Bidding blind is disastrous and only leads to heartache and disappointment.
SIR can assist you through the process as a Buyer or Bidding Agent,.
Most "GOOD DEALS" come about because of a "LACK OF TIME" especially in High
demand areas like ours, where there are always several buyers for a priced right home.
When an offer is made on a foreclosure, there is usually more then one party to contend with:
The Sheriff, Occupant, Attorney, Primary Mortgage Co, and other Liens or Mortgage Companies.
SIR is a specialist in negotiating a discounted payoffs on outstanding liens & obligations.
This insures, you a free & clear property and a salable commodity once you put out your money.
BE FOREWARNED & PREPARED This takes time, from Days to Months
If it gets complicated, you must be in a position to wait.
This is the reason most consumers cannot purchase distressed property.
They do not have CASH IN HAND then wait for an undetermined time to take possession.